Recently, I have realized that both marrying an Army man and now our struggle through infertility have required a whole new set of vocabulary terms.
The military is famous for their acronyms. For example,
MRE: meal ready to eat
FOB: Forward Operating Base
ACU: Army Combat Uniform
DFAC: Dining Facility
POV: Privately owned vehicle
MOS: Mode of service (job in the military)
PT: physical training
BAH: Basic Allowance for Housing
I can remember driving around Ft. Campbell when husband and I were first dating and not having any idea where anything was located because everything is assigned an acronym and numbers. There is no map, and if I didn't learn the lingo, I wasn't going to understand half of the orders we were given through the FRG (Family Readiness Group) when he deployed such as "wheels up and down time" (expected time for the plane to take off/land) and what he was supposed to wear to a certain event which would affect my attire accordingly.
In our journey through IVF and surrogacy we have been learning these terms:
RE: Reproductive endocrinologist
GC: Gestational carrier
IPs: Intended Parents
IM: Intended Mother
IF: Intended Father
ICSI: Intracytoplasmic sperm injection
PGS/PGD: Preimplantation genetic screening or diagnosis
AMH: Anti-mullerian hormone
FSH: follicle stimulating hormone
LH: Luteinizing hormone
E2: Estradiol
CD: Cycle day
LMP: Last menstrual period
DPO: Days past ovulation
LP: Leutal Phase
ER: Egg retrieval
OHSS: Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome
ET: embryo transfer
FET: Frozen embryo transfer
DPT: Days post transfer
PIO: Progesterone in Oil
Beta: HCG level pregnancy test
PG: Pregnant
PBO: Pre-birth order
Apologies in advance if I have confused anyone when talking to you about all of this. Learning as we go along and praying that soon we will be IPs with a GC that has a successful FET by our RE and is PG. Currently we are just in acronym purgatory.
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