Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The Next Right Thing

Husband and I got married in September 2009, 6 weeks before he deployed to his second tour to Iraq. Even though I knew he was deploying to a war zone, that honeymoon phase seemed to be a giant curtain over any possible realities we would have to face while he was there or once he came home. The year passed pretty quickly all things considered and when he returned in October of 2010, I thought that we were finally going to have the "happily ever after" part, leaving the worst behind us. Those first couple years after his return from deployment were very, very hard. It took almost 3 years before I felt like we were back to "normal".

We learned a lot during that time - about marriage, sacrifice, patience, unconditional love, forgiveness, and as I read one time that marriage "is a journey to holiness not just happiness". That foundation made us face this new challenge from the same approach we did previously: what is the next right thing.

In the hospital, I asked questions about hormones and ovarian function. I asked questions about options and ultimately about the IVF process of egg harvest and surrogacy. We had doctors telling us to not worry about that, that I was young, put it off for another day. I knew though, that the next right steps for me were to learn all I could and pray. Pray for guidance and pray for God's will. 

Praying for the next right thing led us to an IVF egg retrieval that happened July 18th. 2 weeks of shots led us to 4 beautiful frozen embryos thanks to the expertise of our wonderful RE. My active part in this journey is done for now. We pray for these embryos daily over a picture sent to us of one of them. We pray one is baby girl's beloved, and much wanted, sibling. 


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