Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The 7 Year Itch

I have been thinking a lot lately about the movie The 7 Year Itch that features that famous Marilyn Monroe over the subway vent scene. Not to be a spoiler, but the basic premise is that a couple has been married for 7 years, and the wife and son leave the hot city to escape to the Hamptons for the summer. While they are away, the husband meets Marilyn and the comedy ensues. The big question becomes will he or won't he *wink wink* with Marilyn because he's dealing with "the 7 year itch".

This past weekend, my husband and I celebrated our 7th anniversary. It is hard for me to believe that 7 whole years have passed, with a decade officially being marked on the calendar this November since our first date. When we got married I had no idea of what our marriage together would look like other than I felt confident it would be filled with a lot of love, laughter, and the Pittsburgh Steelers. Together we have been blessed with the most beautiful 10 month old daughter. Last week she stood up by herself unassisted long enough for us to take some photos as well as took her first step. Every day I wake up and thank God that we get another day to spend with her and as her parents. She is truly our miracle and the greatest blessing we could have asked for.

I'm proud of our marriage even if it's not anywhere close to perfect. It's a marriage that has been built on a foundation of faith, grace and unconditional love through sometimes some very hard work. Marrying young, and at the time active duty military, it has faced fire and rain. The day we applied for our marriage certificate we had our will notarized too because he was deploying 6 weeks later for Iraq.  He is my best friend and one of the funniest people I have ever known, even though he is shy and introverted to almost everyone else but me. He also is completely devoted to his duty to serve. If there is ever someone in need of a helping hand, he is always the first to offer his time and energy. This was no better displayed than during my recovery from the delivery and hysterectomy. He was the epitome of tender, loving care to me and I am forever grateful to have such a supportive and compassionate partner. I also think I love him more this year then I ever have before because he is our daughter's Dada. That is a love I never anticipated to be so overwhelmingly beautiful. 

This year we are took our first overnight trip away from baby girl to celebrate, escaping to the Great Smokey Mountains. It was wonderful to spend quality alone time with each other to give thanks to God for all of the blessings (and even the trials) that we have walked through these past 7 years and for the beauty that is the life we've built together. The last day of the trip we took a very windy road home jokingly called "The Dragon's Tail" to indicate the level of driving difficulty. In 11 miles, there are 318 turns, some of them quite harrowing. When we got to the top of the mountain before we descended we got out to take a photo of the valley below. While the road might have been so twisted I felt like we were driving the Grand Prix, the picture perfect view gave me an idea: perhaps that is marriage. There are always twists and turns, sometimes your stomach jumps from it all, and there will be high points and low points, and even some stop signs. Some will be all uphill and sometimes you can take your foot off the pedal and just coast.  When you get a chance, pull off and savor the ride and the view. 

I definitely have a very different 7 year itch than the husband in that film.  It's started as the giant, flashing light to start our family right after our year 5 and it continues now to build the family we really hope for - to give baby girl a sibling or two. I'm ready to continue down the road and see where the pavement takes us next, sitting beside the best co-pilot I could have. No matter what it's going to be an adventure. Happy Anniversary, honey. I love you and baby girl more than you could ever know.

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